Zimbabwe: Zimra Workers Mull Industrial Action Due to Eroded Salaries

Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and Allied Workers Trade Union (ZIMRATU) have petitioned their employer demanding a timetable with three days per week working slots necessitated by eroded salaries which have fallen far beyond the cost of living.

A letter gleaned by NewZimbabwe.com written by the ZIMRATU president Dominic Manyangadze to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority's Commissioner General also copied to the board chairperson Antony Mandiwanza exposes the level of hardships at the taxman's institution.

Over the years the revenue collector was known as an employer of choice due to hefty salaries but Manyangadze briefed the top management that exchange rates movements have left workers unable to report for duty daily.

He said basic human needs like shelter, transport, food and school fees for their families have become a pipedream despite undertaking a key role of collecting revenue for the government.

"Further frustrated by the inadequacy of the transport allowance due to continuous erosion of the value of the ZWL payment caused by the exchange rate premiums against the intended US$2 per trip, being paid to the worker by ZIMRA; thus the amount is less than half of the US$104 required to pay for transport in a month," said Manyangadze.

The workers group accused the revenue collector of not taking their concerns seriously.

"Concerned about the rapid deterioration of conditions of work of our members across the country and the effects thereof and perceived carefree attitude being displayed by ZIMRA regarding the workers concerns on this issue, inter alia;

"Surprised that the welfare of workers is not receiving tangible and adequate attention in the face of a hyperinflationary environment.

"Frustrated that the majority of ZIMRA workers are exposed to paying rent twice for themselves and their families due to the nature of their job; the current housing allowance being paid at the official bank rate is less than half of the official amount being demanded by landlords," ZIMRATU said.

The workers group said due to the unsustainable situation, they can't continue to subsidise the authority's operations any further.

"Now therefore, given the foregoing and the inadequacy of remuneration, please take notice that our members will not have the capacity to consistently report for duty and thus a request for a work arrangement which enables them to report for duty three days a week.

"The workers further request that you prepare and favor them with a timetable /schedule stating the days each one is to report for duty by Friday May 26 2023," demanded Manyangadze.

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