Uganda: NRM MPs Summoned for 10-Day Retreat in Kyankwanzi

Members of the NRM Parliamentary Caucus have been summoned for a 10-day retreat at the National Leadership Institute Kyankwanzi (NALI).

In the retreat which starts this Saturday and ends on June 5, 2023, the MPs are expected to renew their political faith to the Party.

This was revealed during a joint press conference held at Parliament and addressed by the Government Chief Whip, Denis Hamson Obua and the executive of the NRM Parliamentary Caucus.

According to Obua, the retreat will also focus on the role of the leaders in enhancing the household income, wealth creation and social economic transformation of the country.

Obua further noted that some of the opposition legislators who support the NRM Manifesto have also been invited for this retreat.

In the retreat according to Obua, legislators will also be given an opportunity to discuss the performance of the country's economy where priorities are now on service delivery.

On whether the retreat will discuss the long awaited electoral reforms, the Chief Whip says it will not as they are still at the infant stage with the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional affairs.

Among other issues to be discussed at the retreat is corruption.

Obua also said opposition National Unity Platform legislator for Bukoto South, Dr. Twaha Kagabo will be allowed to attend the NRM retreat if he is interested.

Recently, Kagabo has been attending a number of events organised by NRM despite his allegiance to NUP, something that has angered the opposition party's executive.

According to NUP, its members are prohibited from attending the NRM retreats.

NUP maintains that NRM gatherings dilute the opposition agenda.

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