Congo-Kinshasa: More Questions About the 'Accident' That Got a Minister Pregnant

27 May 2023

Anyone who tells you that social media is not the highest invader of people's privacy, isn't being entirely truthful.

This trending means of communication broke the news of the Minister of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education (EPST) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Tony Mwaba Kazadi, impregnating his Deputy Minister, Aminata Namasia few days ago; of course, without their permission.

Even as the world awaits the 'verdict' from DRC President, the story continues to trend across the media.

Kazadi and Namasia's love or lust affair, done in the dark has become a subject for global consumption; courtesy of social media.

In those good old days, such acts of infidelity only ended up as family feud usually settled thereafter.

The elegant Namasia was appointed the National Deputy Minister of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education in the Democratic Republic Of Congo under Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde's cabinet on April 12, 2021. And as reported by The Heritage Times, a DRC journalist, Lungila John took to Twitter to reveal the affair between both officials that led to the deputy education minister's pregnancy.

Reports also revealed that Kazadi and Namasia, who are married, began their love affairs while working together in the DRC education ministry. So it wasn't something that began prior to their working together.

Perhaps, it was the revelation by the journalist that forced Kazadi to confess that he actually impregnated his Deputy Minister, Namasia, although he described it as "accidental."

Since the news broke, the two government officials have come under heavy criticism from citizens of their country and beyond, who are condemning them for such display of the height of immorality. Those in this camp think both were not disciplined and as such, are a disgrace to their office. Their critics believe the affair could affect certain decisions they take in the ministry.

"DRC is a country of shame. Namasia has no education to give to any young lady in the country," says Archy Lema, a citizen of DRC and Twitter user.

There are others who also think there is nothing honourable and excellent in the minister and his deputy due to their misconduct. They believe they've failed as public figures with millions looking up to them as role models.

The fact is that these are two adults. The woman was not raped. It really doesn't matter where people meet or who one should be intimate with. The problem here is that report says they have their spouses at home. And so, that makes it morally wrong.

"Two of them are not disciplined," Odewoye Kayode declares. Kayode could be right. These are married individuals and should have been disciplined enough to keep their relationship within the confines of their jobs.

It sounds like it was easy for them to take their affair further as to want to start another family. Even with an elated office of the minister, Kazadi gets involved in an act of infidelity that has birthed fruit, who knows how many women he would have accidentally put in the family way, without the social media picking them up, if he wasn't a public office holder. Anyway, that's by the way.

But then, some things, do not really add up here. How did the Journalist who broke the news know that the pregnancy does not belong to the woman's husband, since she is married? And when Namasia found out she had taken in, why didn't she abort the pregnancy to conceal her affair with her boss? If she lacked the moral to stay away from infidelity, what stopped her from getting rid of a pregnancy conceived in sin? Could it be she is weary of her marriage such that she found solace in her boss? A lot of questions begging for answers! As her affair with her boss came to the open, Namasia was quoted as saying her privacy should be respected. "Beyond my official and public duties, I have a life that must be respected by all. A right guaranteed to all Congolese by our Constitution. Tarnishing my image should not be tolerated habit. Indeed, it could harm not only my commitments, but also the image of my married male colleagues and their homes...", she wrote on Twitter.

Someone would say at this point, she's got some nerves. She is beautiful; very, and bold too.

As a result, most Netizens think she may have been the one who charmed her boss with her beauty.

Seriously, the deputy minister's beauty has been largely blamed by Netizens who believe it will be hard for a man to work with such a damsel without lusting after her. They however refuted the minister's claim that it was accidental, since both were said to have been intimate for a long time. Truly, describing Namasia's pregnancy as accidental sounds like an excuse from an amateur; very funny actually.

And so, rather than take the matter seriously, jokes are being made out of Kazadi's choice of words while owing up to the act of infidelity.

"What a sweet way to get accident" says Godswill Charles.

"Who will not impregnate such a beauty if given the opportunity," says Vincent Ugwu in response.

Mislo Kawamba wrote, "She is cute, damn! the dude fell hard."

Club Oya Ebuha wrote, "Accidental discharge that killed no one but ended in producing another in a shameful manner."

'It's accidental' says Congolese education minister after impregnating deputy, Béèní!!! Accidental discharge! Where was the "Machine Gun" directed? Sniper at a distance ....Smith Kevin, wrote.

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