Kenya: Nyeri's 'Village of Darkness' Sees Light

Nyeri — Residents of Ndugo village in Nyeri's Mukurweini sub-county have a reason to smile after the area hitherto described as "the village of darkness" was hooked to the national grid on Friday.

The transformation of the village marked a major milestone since the country's attainment of independence.

Area lawmaker John Kaguchia lit a mud walled house to commission the project supported by the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) .

Kaguchai's host, 80-year- old Mary Wahome, could not hide her excitement at the prospects of watching television news to follow developments across the nation.

"I know today I will rest easy. Since I was born we have never had electricity here. In fact, I will watch TV tonight something that I could not enjoy yesterday," Wahome said with enthusiasm.

"Many of our neighbouring villages have been taunting," she said. "They have been referring to us as the village of darkness"

Lowest electrification rate

Wahome's village mate Philisilah Njeri said she felt like a city dweller.

"For a long time, we only see light at night when the moon shines but tonight we will be like those living in the city where you cannot differentiate day and night. I am excited," an elated Njeri said.

The area legislator said the lighting of the village is part of efforts by his office to ensure the electricity connections within the constituency go beyond the current 58 per cent, the lowest rate in the county.

"As a constituency we require over Sh500 million to light up these villages. Here we are connecting 400 residents but we have more that 8 villages which require power," he said.

"Under the current budget, we have set aside Sh123 million for this exercise," he added.

Kaguchia urged residents to be vigilant and avoid being fleeced by people masquerading as Kenya Power Company officials asking them to pay for connection. He affirmed that the ongoing exercise is free.

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