Namibia: Geingob Commemorates International Peacekeeping Day

In a heartfelt message on the occasion of International Peacekeeping Day, President Hage Geingob of Namibia paid tribute to United Nations Peacekeepers and acknowledged their instrumental role in the country's transition to independence.

The President's message, delivered on the 75th anniversary of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, highlights the theme of 'Peace Begins With Me' and calls for global unity in the pursuit of peace.

"Anniversaries are a reminder of the paths we have travelled and the lessons we have learned as a nation. Particularly in this #YearOfRevival, they are a remarkable opportunity not only for introspection but equally for an appreciation of the present and making ready for an ideal future," he said. He reminded Namibians of the crucial role played by United Nations peacekeeping personnel in safeguarding the peace the nation enjoys today.

Namibia's journey to independence was marked by international solidarity, with strong support from the global community during its struggle against apartheid.

The Security Council's demand for elections under United Nations supervision and control in 1976 paved the way for a Settlement Proposal agreed upon in 1978. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim initiated this political process, assisted by Special Representative Martii Ahtisaari.

In April 1989, the United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) was deployed to Namibia to oversee the peace process and ensure free and fair elections leading to independence. Nearly 7 000 individuals, including civilians, police and military personnel from over 120 countries, were involved in this mission. Namibia's successful transition to independence owes a great deal to the contributions of UNTAG.

"Today, Namibia is regarded as one of the most peaceful democracies and lauded as an example of successful United Nations peacekeeping," said Geingob.

President Geingob expressed profound gratitude to the selfless peacekeepers for their invaluable role in shaping an independent nation and fostering peace.

On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, he joins United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, as well as the entire UN family in honouring the blue helmets for their 75 years of exceptional service in the pursuit of global peace.

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