Kenya: Migori, Isiolo, Kajiodo Ranked Least Budget-Transparent Counties

Nairobi — Migori, Isiolo, Kajiado, and Wajir have been ranked as the least budget-transparent counties in 2022.

Speaking today during the launch of the County Budget Transparency Survey (CBTS) 2022, lead researcher Kipkotir Biegon singled out Migori and Isiolo, which have not published a single budget document in the last two years of the survey.

"The overall average transparency score was 41 points which is an improvement from 35 points in CBTS 2021," Biegon said.

"The substantial progress in budget transparency is as a result of 33 counties improving in CBTS 2022 compared to 24 counties in CBTS 2021. This shows that the counties that improved are more compared to those that regressed," he added.

However, West Pokot, Makueni, and Kwale topped the list with the most transparent budgets, with scores of 78, 75, and 74, respectively, out of a possible 100 points.

Likewise, Kitui and Nyeri tied with 69 points each.

Kwale emerged as the most improved county by scoring 74 points, which was an improvement from a score of 23 points in the 2021 survey.

"The regional blocs also recorded tremendous improvements with Jumuia ya Kaunti za Pwani being the most improved with 52 out of 100 compared to 23 out of 100 in 2021," Biegon stated.

"Notably, all the counties under Jumuia ya Kaunti za Pwani improved their budget transparency scores in CBTS 2022 compared to CBTS 2021. The improvements could be attributed to more demand for budget information by the CSOs in the region."

Budget Transparency seeks to achieve the primary component of facilitating dialogue between governments and citizens.

According to the Constitution, the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act requires each of the 47 counties to publish and publicize budget documents throughout the budget cycle.

These budget documents are supposed to help the public shape county priorities and monitor the implementation of budgets to ensure resources are reaching those who need them most.

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