Uganda: Dr. Zawedde Says Digital Innovation Is a Catalyst for Social, Economic Transformation

Dr. Zawedde has zeroed in on digital innovation as the catalyst for social and economic transformation.

Dr. Aminah Zawedde is the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance.

Zawedde made the remarks as she unveiled the recipe for equitable development at Tallinn, Estonia. She was the keynote speaker at a global e-government conference.

She took the audience through a visionary discourse on how cooperation between governments, the private sector, civil society, and academia can foster innovation in the public sector.

The e-government conference is a top-tier global conference focused on exploring the potential of cooperation between governments, the private sector, civil society, and academia in fostering innovation within the public sector.

Zawedde highlighted that true digitisation can only be achieved by working collectively to develop and implement innovative e-governance policies that prioritise sustainability and inclusivity.

She said that the responsibility for Uganda's development did not solely rest on the shoulders of the government. She said it necessitated the active participation and collaboration of the private sector, development partners, and academia.

By uniting these stakeholders, the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance aims to leverage its highly skilled ICT labour force and create a favorable environment for investment and growth.

Her profound declaration resonated throughout the event, echoing the sentiment that the nation stood ready and eager to welcome global partners, investors, and innovators.

Drawing from the vibrant landscape of Uganda's burgeoning digital ecosystem, Zawedde illuminated the extraordinary potential for meaningful digital transformation.

By embracing digital innovation, the country aspires to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, enhance service delivery, and empower its citizens with technology-driven solutions.

Her impassioned plea for cooperation among governments, the private sector, civil society, and academia underscored the transformative power that lies within collective action.

She revealed that Uganda's highly skilled ICT labour force, combined with its commitment to fostering innovation, positioned it as a compelling prospect for those seeking to make a sustainable impact in Africa.

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