Kenya: Siaya Deputy Governor Oduol Says He is Innocent of Impeachment Allegations

Nairobi — William Oduol, the deputy governor of Siaya, now states that he will ultimately be found innocent of the charges brought against him.

Speaking on Tuesday at the Spice Fm, Oduol declared that he is confident in the validity of the evidence he has against the Siaya County executive.

He added that the grounds for the impeachment are frivolous, they were so different from the evidence he had submitted which is based on financial impropriety.

"I am a thoroughbred professional. An accountant of repute and the evidence I presented is cogent, it is not hot air. Now that I, managed to exhaust the internal mechanism, I handed over the evidence to EACC and I am certain that I'm going to be vindicated very soon," he said.

He added that Siaya MCAs have not given him time to substantiate his allegations against the County Government, yet he had evidence of malpractice by county officials.

Oduol, however, added that because his conscience is clear and he is on the side of the truth and the people, he is not afraid of impeachment.

He said he would be happy to see and to look at the MCAs who rubbished his allegations once those involved start getting arrested.

"I am not a visitor in Jerusalem, and I want to look at the MCAs in the eyes when we eventually have people arrested by EACC or DCI. How are going to walk in the streets of Siaya County?" the DG said.

"I am popular with the masses because I am on their side but unpopular with the MCAs. I am not scared of impeachment; my conscience is clear as long as I am on the side of people and the side of the truth I will not fear the consequences, am prepared to face them,' he added.

He continued by saying that he is aware of the political repercussions of impeachment and that, if it is upheld by the Senate, it will prevent him from being hired again in the country. He is also prepared to face these repercussions.

Oduol stated that he had been requested to resign but has refused because doing so would appear to be an admission of guilt about the allegations made against him by the MCAs, even though he is confident that he is innocent.

The DG spoke a day after the Siaya County Assembly approved the impeachment motion against him.

This is after 38 out of 42 Members of the County Assembly voted in support of the motion tabled by East Asembo Ward MCA Gordon Onguru.

A special committee of the house has been constituted comprising 14 members who will investigate the grounds for impeachment of the DG and present its report in 10 days.

The committee will comprise a third of the members of the Assembly.

The members include Francis Otiato (East Yimbo), Oliver Arika (North Sakwa), Andrew Omwende (Sigomre), Fredrick Omoro (East Ugenya), Benard Adala (North Ugenya), Cynthia Alinyi (Nominated), and Seth Baraka (East Gem).

Others are Sylas Madingu (Central Gem), Eunice Achieng (South Sakwa), John Apodo (Sidindi), Dorothy Oinga (Nominated), Justus Oguta (West Uyoma), Julie Okello (Nominated) and Michael Otieno (South Uyoma).

Speaker George Okode directed the committee to ensure involvement of members of the public in the process and ensure administration of fair hearing and ensure that the DG is given a right of reply.

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