Mozambique: 200 Registration Brigades Short in North but 140 Extra in Gaza


The bias against opposition provinces is shown in the assignment of registration brigades. There are 9 921 625 potential voters and 3192 registration brigades, which means on average each brigade could register 3108 voters. Brigades in staunchly Frelimo Gaza must only register 1690 voters, but those in opposition supporting Sofala must each register 3997.

Calculating brigades must also take into account population density, as the law requires that voters must be 5 km or less from their polling station, which means that more sparsely populated districts will inevitably have fewer voters per brigade. But Niassa has a lower population density than Gaza, yet the number of voters per brigade is much higher. So this does not explain the discrepancy. There was a similar record of more registration brigades in Frelimo areas in 2019, according to an article by Domingos do Rosario published by EISA.

Mais Integridade and the observation data used

The data is taken from 731 reports of visits to registration posts by Mais Integridade in the week 12-18 May and 767 visits in the second week 19-25 May 2023.

We defined a registration post as having a problem <difficuldade> if the report showed at least one of these four issues:

+ at the time of the visit, the post did not have all the necessary material available (such as registration forms and voter cards) or some equipment (computer, camera, printer) was not functioning.

+ the registering process was interrupted during the visit

+ voters cards were not being given to at least some people

+ the observer was not allowed to observe

Data is presented by province and by municipality. Mais Integridade is only observing 26 municipalities.

Data is presented as the %age of visits showing a problem

Mais Integridade is conducting the only civil society observation of the registration and is a consortium of Comissão Episcopal de Justiça e Paz (CEJP) of the Catholic Church, Centro de Integridade Pública (CIP), Núcleo das Associações Femininas da Zambézia (NAFEZA), Solidariedade Moçambique (SoldMoz), Centro de Aprendizagem e Capacitação da Sociedade Civil (CESC), Capítulo Moçambicano do Instituto para Comunicação Social da África Austral (MISA Moçambique) and Fórum das Associações Moçambicanas de Pessoas com Deficiência (FAMOD).

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