Uganda: MTN Uganda Takes a Stand Against Digital Fraud

Ugandans are being urged to be vigilant with their mobile money pins to safeguard themselves against digital fraudsters.

A significant number of people have experienced calls from dishonest individuals attempting to defraud them of their hard-earned money. While some have avoided falling victim to these scams, many others have suffered financial losses.

One person named Ivan took to Twitter to expose a fraudster who had attempted to scam him using his MTN Number. Ivan shared the following details of the scam:

The scammer claimed it was related to a second registration.

They instructed Ivan to dial *224# in order to see the message "You are not allowed to use this service" to make the scam seem more convincing.

Ivan then had to enter a PIN after encountering a long USSD.

Another frustrated Twitter user asked telecom companies about the frequency of phone line registrations. This frustration stemmed from numerous calls from people threatening to block their number if they didn't comply with their instructions.

In response to these incidents, MTN took to Twitter to deliver its message, urging people to remain vigilant and report any unscrupulous individuals. They emphasized that calls claiming to be from their offices or the UCC should never be accepted.

MTN clarified that they only use the number 0312120000 to contact clients and never ask for any code or PIN. They requested users to report such callers and their number for appropriate action. This is just one of the many replies and reassurances provided by MTN to its customers regarding mobile money and PIN safety.

MTN's efforts to raise awareness are part of the ongoing "Beera Steady, Be Better" campaign, which aims to combat digital fraud and promote financial literacy among Ugandans.

The campaign emphasizes that fighting digital fraud requires a collective effort, with everyone understanding their role in combating this issue. By increasing awareness and vigilance among Ugandans, the profitability of scamming activities can be reduced.

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