Malawi: Tigresses End Imosys' Winning Streak in Rainbow Paints Netball League As Diamonds Extend Log Table Lead

Malawi's netball powerhouse, First Choice Tigresses has become the first side to hand Imosys NC the first defeat of the season and end the team's two games winning streak after beating them 31-38 in a tight and thrilling clash played on Saturday afternoon at Blantyre Youth Centre.

It was unpredictable clash as the two teams gave each other no space right from the first quarter but Tigresses -- who missed the services of their top and deadly partnership of their shooters, Sindie Simtowe and Tendai Masamba, who are nursing injuries -- managed to lead in all the four quarters.

They ensured they register a third unbeaten run and continue piling up pressure on their rivals and current league leaders, Kukoma Diamonds -- who are leading the table with 6 points due to a difference of baskets following their 67-21 triumph over Chilomoni Sisters.

Tigresses youthful and promising wing attacker, Flora Chipeta was in her top form as she controlled the attacking department where she delivered effective passes to her goal shooter, Brenda Kapila -- who apart from being tightly marked by Imosys captain, Joana Kachilika used her skills to register crucial baskets during the day.

Imosys goal attacker, Docas Mbendera and super substitute, Rahaby Bickiel -- who was deployed as a goal shooter -- partnered well up-front from the third quarter and gave no room to rest to Tigresses goal keeper Beauty Basiyao but their baskets were not enough to give them the needed victory.

After the match, Tigresses' coach, Peace Chawinga Kalua praised her charges for the victory but she quickly pointed that the play itself was bellow par and not convincing as she expected it to be.

"In every competition, everybody wants to win and it's glad that we have collected maximum points but honestly we didn't play well," she said. "Every position was bellow par -- the movement was zero, the defence was slow letting in balls, aggressiveness was not there and this made us not to score more baskets.

"I'm just happy that the young ones I featured in today's game showed some great performance and I believe they will soon become stars," she said.

Imosys captain and coach player, Joana Kachilika said the team played according to instructions but the only problem is that in most occasions they misplaced ablot of passes which made them to create more pressure from their counterparts who took advantage and utilized every mistake to punish their side.

Kachilika further promised to work out on the weak areas during training so that they go back to their winning ways in the upcoming matches.

"The league has just started, we still have more games ahead before we wrap up the season, our dream is to win the championship and it will happen because we have girls who are talented and dedicated," she said.

In other games, Blantyre Tremors beat Gerald Tasaukadala 63-28 while Machinjiri Sisters suffered a 26-43 loss against Chileka Sisters.

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