Kenya: China Media Group Launches 'Twinkle Star Project' to Screen Chinese Cartoons in Africa

Nairobi — China Media Group (CMG) has launched an animation tour titled "Twinkle Star Project" in Nairobi, Kenya, to screen its original cartoons in Kenyan schools.

The event held on Wednesday was presided over by Kenya's Tourism Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza and attended by top dignitaries including Information and Communications Principal Secretary Professor Edward Kisiangani.

Officials present hailed the initiative saying it will help develop children and expose them to diverse cultures through entertainment.

"The many programs of the Twinkle Star Project will undoubtedly provide an invaluable boost to the Africa-China cultural cooperation," the CS said.

Selected CMG cartoons include "Monkey King" based on a popular Chinese classic novel, and "Zhang Qian, the Envoy" featuring a Chinese official whose travel outside of China 2100 years ago contributed to the creation of the ancient Silk Road.

The Twinkle Star Project will also feature a painting competition for Chinese and African children.

The event-packed caravan project will run until the end of the year.

China Media Group (CMG) has launched an animation tour titled "Twinkle Star Project" in Nairobi, Kenya, to screen its original cartoons in schools of Kenya.

The launch ceremony, held on May 31st, or the eve of the Children's Day in many countries, saw representatives of international organizations, the Kenyan government, Chinese communities in Kenya as well as school children in Nairobi.

Peninah Malonza, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, said during her speech that, "The many programs of the Twinkle Star Project will undoubtedly provide an invaluable boost to the Africa-China cultural cooperation."

Selected CMG cartoons include "Monkey King" based on a popular Chinese classic novel, and "Zhang Qian, the Envoy" featuring a Chinese official whose travel outside of China 2100 years ago contributed to the creation of the ancient Silk Road.

The Twinkle Star Project will also feature a painting competition for Chinese and African children.

The-event-packed project will run until the end of the year.

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