Uganda: Someone Wants My Wife, and She Is Going Because I Have No House, Comedian Kapere Cries Out

Jokana Mbuuse alias Kapere, a comedian whose face launched him to stardom several years ago is in dire need of a house, after his wife Lydia Nakandi alias Mama Trump allegedly showed signs of being shaken from their decade long marriage.

Kapere in a TV interview laments that Mama Trump has showed signs of leaving him, adding that he suspects someone is wooing her using a house and a series of love songs.

According to Kapere, he is not in position to out compete whoever is unsettling his wife, because he has failed to move from their shanty rental, and neither is he able to belt out a few love melodies which she seems to want a lot lately.

He now says that sympathetic support from people like Moses Ssali alias Bebe Cool would go a long way in softening his current situation.

"Some one is sending her (Mama Trump) many love songs and is convincing her to leave me because I do not have a house. I have no capacity to own a house now but we have been okay living in our condition, nothing was wrong until this person showed up," Kapere laments.

"I used to hear Bebe Cool gving out houses to artistes, why can't he do me this favor to and grant me a house to save my wife? Where will I get a house?" he added.

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