Kenya: Cohesion Commission Cautions Against Azimio-Led Cessation Calls

Nairobi — The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has expressed concern over the recent calls for cessation by a section of the political class in the country.

NCIC Chairperson Samuel Kobia said Wednesday that in as much as opposition leaders may feel aggrieved, cessation is not the way to go.

Instead, Kobia encouraged the aggrieved parties to seek out dialogue and a peaceful and cohesive way of addressing their concerns.

"We must remember that the Constitution of Kenya 2010 states that....'we the people of Kenya are PROUD of our ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, and are determined to live in peace and unity as one indivisible sovereign nation'," Kobia said.

The NCIC Chairperson called on all leaders in the country to adhere to the constitutional provisions or face the law.

He added that Kenyans are longing for opportunities to come together, exchange ideas on the prevailing issues and contribute to possible solutions.

Commenting on stalled bi-partisan talks, Kobia cautioned against attempts to expand the scope of talks from specific issues agreed upon at the onset.

Kobia pointed out that the NCIC will provide spaces and platforms for national conversations on economic prosperity, political stability and social cohesion.

Ethnic profiling

The NCIC Chairperson further expressed concern over cases of ethnic profiling of civil servants.

He noted that it is worrying that some leaders are resisting public servants, especially teachers, from other ethnic communities from being deployed in their regions.

"This is not only a threat to cohesion but is also archaic, unconstitutional and crass. The constitution allows Kenyans to live, work and do business in any part of the country at any time. We condemn these actions in the strongest terms and have already begun the legal process to handle those who perpetrate such ideas," he said.

He added that the Commission is also aware of claims of unbalanced appointments in the public service.

To resolve this, Kobia said that the Commission is in the process of conducting an ethnic audit to ensure ethnic balance in the public service in National and County Governments and advise accordingly.

"Section 7(1) will guide the commission and (2) of the NCI Act 2008 that state; all state-owned firms shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of Kenya in the employment of staff and no public institution shall have more than one-third of its staff from the same community," Kobia added.

Mungiki resurgence

The Commission also cited the re-emergence proscribed criminal gangs as a matter on concern.

Kobia added that the gangs are a threat to the public and the nation.

He pointed out that such gangs also create a reputational and international image brand risk to the nation.

"Therefore, we are calling upon the security stakeholders to contain the situation to avoid resurgence of these outlawed organized criminal gangs," Kobia said.

In regard to hate speech, Kobia said that NCIC is probing six cases saying two individuals have since appeared before its agents and recorded statements.

He added that they have already summoned Gatundu South legislator Gabriel Kagombe who has been cited for speech.

However, he said that three individuals had failed to honor their summons.

"The Commission hereby warns the individuals that have not honored summons that we will invoke NCIC Act Section 13 (2) and seek warrant of arrest," he said.

Kobia further stated that the Commission is actively monitoring social media and vernacular radio stations to detect any instances of hate speech.

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