Kenya: City Hall Conducts Tree Planting Exercise Ahead of World Habitat Day

Nairobi — Nairobi City County Secretary Patrick Analo led a delegation from Nairobi City County Government to a site visit to Kamukunji public space and conducted a tree planting exercise ahead of the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly that will be held from tomorrow to Friday in Nairobi, Kenya.

The theme of the session is "A sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of global crises."

The Acting County Secretary who was representing Governor, Johnson Sakaja later led the delegation to Pangani affordable housing project and the Green park.

"This event is an important milestone for Nairobi City as it will go a long way to opening the city to the rest of the World. Nairobi's urban infrastructure has undergone extensive improvements, including the tarmacking and repair of roads in the city," he stated.

He pointed out that the changes in Nairobi are focused on creating a sustainable society for the future, a society in which people can play an active role.

He explained that in dealing with the dual crisis of infectious disease and climate change now facing the world, we intend to continue promoting sustainability county wide.

"We have recently launched a restoration program. The transformation of Nairobi has already begun. The Mobility sector has rehabilitated over 50km of road network including Kayole, Industrial area, CBD, Kileleshwa, Westlands, Karen and improved the city's drainage system by working closely with National Government Agencies," he stated.

"We continue to build capacity for our inhouse Engineers by acquiring modern fleet both vehicles, plant and equipment. Our Asphalt has produced over 1,000 tonnes of Asphalt concrete, which has immensely improved mobility in the city. In collaboration with the National Government agencies, the County has embarked on construction of over 200 km of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Facilities; Walkways, bicycle lanes and pedestrian walk ways."

Accompanying the Ag. County Secretary on the respecitve site visits was Lands County Executive, Stephen Mwangi, Chief Officers Marion Rono (Lands) and Lydia Mathia (Public Engagement), Officials from United Nations Develop Program, delegation from Malaysia, Namibia, South Africa and Senegal.

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