Kenya: Siaya County Govt Wants EACC, DCI to Expedite Probe on Graft Allegations

Siaya — The Siaya County Government has challenged the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to expedite investigations into allegations by deputy governor, William Oduol of alleged misappropriation of public funds.

The James Orengo-led government at the same time called on the EACC and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to tell the public how far it has gone with the investigations it commenced over misappropriation of over 600 million shillings that has remained inconclusive for more than two years.

Top county officials, led by chief of staff, Colonel (retired) Cyrus Oguna and county secretary, Joseph Ogutu, said that the commission has continued to remain silent on the matter despite calls by governor Orengo to the commission to conclude the matter.

"The commission has remained silent on the issue, with no report and, or brief either to the governor of the people of Siaya who are the primary victims of the loss of public money" said a statement read by colonel Oguna.

He said that the silence by the commission has created room for speculation and discussion on the ongoing investigations, an issue which would otherwise have been avoided had the process been concluded in good time.

The statement said that the current debate over alleged financial misappropriation in the county government is matters that the commission was seized of long before the current administration took office.

The county executive said it was committed to fighting graft within its administration, adding that it had shared the findings of the Edward Ouko led taskforce that audited the financial operations of the county government with the relevant investigative organs.

"The report revealed in great details the extent of pilferage which had been unjustly visited upon the finances of the people of Siaya" said the statement adding that it was the administrations hope and expectation that the report would give pointers that would have made the work of the commission a lot easier.

The executive further called on EACC to institute investigations on deputy governor, William Oduol's allegations that were dismissed by the county assembly of Siaya, among them claims that there have been abuse or misuse of the county imprest account and determine whether or not withdrawals have been made for any other purposes other than the lawful and budgeted operations of the county government.

Other officials who attended the press conference were CECM governance, Agunda Ochanda, Sylvestre Kokoth (Agricultures) and Richard Owade (County attorney). - Kna

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