Kenya: United Democratic Alliance in Marsabit for Massive Recruitment Drive

Nairobi — President William Ruto's United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party will on Saturday set up camp in Marsabit County as part of its ongoing grassroots recruitment campaign.

The party's Secretary General Cleophas Malalah will lead the recruitment drive that aims to solidify its national presence following the 2022 elections.

"Marsabit County shall be shedding her color for a brand new Yellow coat. The UDA brigade, led by super SG, will lead an intensive ground activation exercise.," Malalah said.

In recent months, the President William Ruto-led party has been vigorously recruiting new members to join its ranks in preparation for the 2027 elections.

The Marsabit campaign follows a visit to Isiolo by the party, during which a group of leaders, headed by Isiolo Governor Abdi Guyo, joined their ranks after defecting from the previous ruling Jubilee Party.

The Governor, along with his deputy James Lowasa and the Speaker of the Isiolo County Assembly Mohamed Roba Koto, also defected from the Party led by former President Uhuru Kenyatta to join the UDA Party.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on May 18, 2023, declared that the UDA party is building itself to remain Kenya's formidable party that will rule for the next 100 years.

"We are constructing a massive mass movement called UDA, which will serve as a formidable political machine that will endure for 100 years.," he said,

"They accuse us of raiding other political parties, but in reality, they are the ones approaching us. What they fail to realize is that Kenya is a democratic country, and when a party seeks to join us, we welcome them with open arms.."

The Azimio coalition led by Raila Odinga continues to cry foul that President Ruto is courting some opposition leaders with the sole aim of suppressing dissenting voices in the country.

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