Kenya: Siaya Reports 120 Cases of Cholera So Far

Siaya — Cholera cases reported in Siaya has hit 120, with both governor, James Orengo and the area county commissioner Jim Njoka urging the residents to support efforts to contain the deadly disease through observation of proper hygiene.

Speaking separately, Orengo and Njoka lamented that efforts to deal with the disease that was first reported in the county two months ago was yet to bear fruits, as the figure continues to rise slowly.

Orengo, who spoke during the flagging off of modern ambulances at the county headquarters said that a team of medics from the county government has pitched camp along the beaches of Rarieda and Bondo sub counties which are the epicentres of the disease.

He said that his government has enough drugs to deal with the disease and called on the public to rush anybody who shows signs of diarhoea and vomiting to a nearby health facility.

And county commissioner Jim Njoka who addressed the pubic during this year's Madaraka day celebrations at the KMTC grounds in Siaya town hailed the county government for its quick action to contain cholera spread.

Njoka however called on the county government's health department to sustain crackdown on eateries that are not compliant with public health requirements.

The administrator urged Siaya residents to join the war against spread of the disease by ensuring that their surroundings were clean and strict adherence to basic hygiene.

The officials clarified that so far, only four deaths have been reported in the county and that all the deaths occurred at Bondo sub county referral hospital. - Kna

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