Kenyatta-Led NDC Null and Void, Jubilee Party Internal Disputes Resolution Committee Says

Nairobi — Jubilee Party's Internal Disputes Resolution Committee(IDRC) has ruled that the National Delegates Conference (NDC) convened by former President Uhuru Kenyatta was null and void.

In its determination, the Committee added that Kenyatta breached the provisions of the party's constitution when he issued a notice to convene a National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting on 28th April 2023.

The Committee led by its Chairperson Gideon Solonka further noted that the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting held on 28th April 2023 was convened irregularly and had no quorum.

"The Respondent (Kenyatta) did not act in accordance with the Party constitution in publishing the notices convening the NEC meeting of 28th April 2023 and the SNDC of 22nd May 2023," the committee stated.

"It follows that all the decisions passed in the above stated NEC meeting were null and void. The Committee therefore finds that there was no decision of the NEC to summon a special NDC."

The decision was made by the dispute resolution committee after Nelson Dzuya, the party's chairperson, filed a complaint against a notice that Uhuru had sent calling for a meeting of the National Executive Committee.

Dzuya stated that the notification was improper and that the NEC meeting that decided to hold the May 22 NDC lacked a quorum.

The Jeremiah Kioni-led Jubilee faction National Delegates Conference (NDC) was held on May22nd presided over by former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The Conference came as a faction led by the former President was putting up a spirited campaign to kick out renegade party members.

A section of Jubilee Party members under the Kanini Kega-led faction dismissed the planned Conference saying it remained illegal until the wrangles with the party were resolved.

The Jubilee party had been embroiled in leadership wrangles after the Kega led faction made leadership changes which saw Kenyatta ousted as party leader.

Nominated Senator Sabina Chege was nominated as the party leader in an acting capacity while Kega replaced Jeremiah Kioni as Secretary General.

Bomas of Kenya, Kenyatta's preferred venue, was reported to be unavailable due to what its management termed as scheduled routine maintenance.

"Notice is hereby given that the venue of the Jubilee NDC has been moved to Ngong Racecourse in Nairobi," Kenyatta who unsuccessfully backed opposition leader Raila Odinga to succeed him announced in a notice dated May 20.

"All other details remain as per the notice published on April 29, 2023."

The last-minute change of venue despite initial defiance against a letter from Bomas of Kenya came amid a sustained onslaught by the party's lawmakers having since shifted allegiance to President William Ruto's United Democratic Alliance-led Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

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