Kenya: Former Safaricom Chair Ngumi Resigns as Kenya Airways Independent Director

Nairobi — Former Safaricom Board Chairman John Ngumi has resigned from Kenya Airways (KQ) as its independent director.

James David Kabeberi will fill the position until a substantive director is appointed during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Ngumi leaves the national carrier after having joined in 2019.

"My departure is motivated by my belief that now the tough work of stabilising KQ is starting to bear fruit, it is the right time for others to come in and build on the transformational platform that the Board and Management of KQ have created," Ngumi said.

"I remain a firm believer KQ's strategic and economic importance to Kenya and I am confident that before long Kenyans will also recognise that KQ is worthy and deserving of the critical and invaluable support it has received, and continues receiving, from the Kenya Government."

His resignation at KQ comes barely a few months after he also left the chairmanship at Safaricom, having only occupied the position for five months.

Kabeberi has been serving as an ex-officio member of the Kenya Airways Plc Audit and Risk Committee.

He has over 40 years of experience in accounting, finance, and business strategy, among others.

Currently, Kabeberi serves on the boards of First Assurance Company Ltd. and Proctor and Allan Ltd.

"On behalf of the Board, I congratulate and welcome Mr.Kabeberi to the Board of Kenya Airways Plc and wish him the best in his new role," KQ Chair Michael Joseph said.


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