Kenya: Police Lob Teargas to Disperse Activists Protesting Against Finance Bill 2023

Nairobi — Police on Tuesday lobbed teargas to disperse a group of activists at the Jevanjee Gardens protesting against the proposed Finance Bill 2023.

A number of demonstrators were also arrested during the protests organised by a consortium of lobby groups.

The activists waved placards depicting proposed tax measures in the Finance Bill 2023 as bad for the country’s economy.

“We don’t want it, Kenyans don’t want it, just withdraw it because it will kill the already bleeding economy,” one activist yelled before police intervened and dispersed the meeting.

President William Ruto has vowed the Bill will pass and dared any legislator to oppose it.

“I want to see which MP will oppose this bill that is out to create job opportunities for Kenyans through the construction of houses across the country,” he said.

The main contention in the bill is the proposed 3 per cent housing levy that will be mandatory for all salaried employees for 7 years.

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