Kenya: DP Gachagua Asks UN to Expand Nairobi Office

Nairobi — Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has asked the United Nations to expand the Office in Nairobi for efficiency and effectiveness in delivery on its mandate.

Speaking at the UN Complex at Gigiri during a Reception for delegates attending the Second Session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly on Tuesday evening, Gachagua said the UN Office in Nairobi is critical to the work of the UN in Africa, hence the need to enhance it.

He added that Kenya will continue working with the UN in peace and security matters.

"Kenya remains one of the countries in Africa enjoying peace and stability. It is also the launchpad for UN peace, security and humanitarian assistance initiatives at the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa. In this regard, Kenya is contributing to Goal 16 on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies," the Deputy President said.

He added: "With this increased role beyond the initial hosting of UNEP, there is an urgent need to expand, upgrade and strengthen the UN Office in Nairobi in physical and technical capacity for effectiveness and efficiency," he said.

The Deputy President also called on the UN to support developing countries in mitigating the impact of climate change.

"As we battle Climate Change, majorly due to pollution globally, we challenge the UN and other mandate agencies to lead in ensuring developing countries, particularly in Africa, are adequately compensated for loss and damage. This will help emerging economies to take adequate measures in climate action as defined by the COP27 Agreement on Loss and Damage," he said.

Gachagua said the government of Kenya will deliver the affordable and decent housing through public private partnership and salary contributions to the housing fund.

"We are pooling resources in the Housing Fund for affordable homes across the nation. This has been factored into the Finance Bill, 2023. Employed Kenyans are expected to contribute 3% of their salaries to this Fund. Progressively, this will help us address inequality in access to decent housing while creating jobs in the goods and services in the supply chain," he said.

As the government implements the affordable housing project across the country, Mr Gachagua said, it will ensure balance with the environment to limit pollution, especially to water bodies. He called for partnership in cleaning Nairobi rivers.

"We have established the Nairobi Rivers Commission to coordinate activities of cleaning the city's rivers. We call for more technical and financial support from the UN and other stakeholders in implementing longterm measures of restoring the Nairobi Rivers and other water bodies in Kenya," the Deputy President said. - DPPs

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