Uganda: FDC Confirms SHS 5 Million Nomination Fee for Party President, Accuses Ingrid Turinawe of Spreading False Information

Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has confirmed that the nomination fee for its party president has been maintained at shillings 5 million since last election.

The confirmation was made by FDC deputy spokesperson, John Kikonyogo in an interview with the Nile Post.

This followed a social media outburst after some figures were shared online indicating different amount of money individuals who wish to contest for some positions in the party would pay.

Kikonyogo noted that the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party has not introduced any new fee for individuals interested in holding positions within the party but maintained the same.

"By 2017 those who contested paid Shs 5 million and you know the value of 5 million then maybe about 8 million now. The party has maintained 5 million. There is no increment," he noted.

He said some individuals who don't like the current party president are spreading wrong information regarding the forthcoming election.

He noted in the previous election, the contestants, especially those who went for the top position, paid the same amount without any complaint.

"There are some bad people who wanted to create some acrimony (indicating that the party is introducing) a new fee. Most of the figures circulating on social media are not correct," he said.

He noted that the money that will be paid will help in organising the elections.

The remarks followed a social media outburst after the former secretary for mobilisation of the party, Ingrid Turinawe who posted some figures indicating the amount of money individuals who wish to contest for some positions in the party would pay.

Turinawe was expelled by FDC after she defied the party directive to stand as an independent in Rukungiri Municipality in the 2021 elections.

She had lost in the primaries to Dr Warren Nuwagaba and efforts to talk her out of contesting fell on deaf ears.

In a social media post, Turinawe claimed that the move to increase the amount of money for one to become a NEC member in FDC is aimed at blocking opponents.

"To contest for party president you will pay 5 million to become NEC member. Previously the requirement was a party card if Shs 1000," she claimed.

But according to the party Constitution, members of the NEC shall be elected by the National Delegate Conference. Deputy Secretaries shall be appointed by the President and approved by the National Executive Committee.

All members, who wish to be members of the National Executive Committee shall be nominated at a non-refundable fee deepening on the position one wants to take.

For Party President, an individual is supposed to pay Shs 5 million, national chairperson Shs 4 million, Secretary general Shs 3 million and the rest of NEC members will pay 200,000/=. This fee has since caused a lot of debate on social media.

But Norman Turyatemba, communications officer at FDC, told the Nile Post that NEC had proposed to introduce a small fee for individuals interested in holding positions within the NEC.

The primary objective behind this proposal, he said, is to ensure that only individuals who are genuinely serious and committed to taking up leadership positions within the party come forward.

"The positions within the NEC are highly demanding and require significant investments in terms of time, resources, and dedication," he said.

This measure, Turyatemba said, intends to attract serious individuals who value the positions and are willing to sacrifice their time, effort, and resources towards the party's objectives.

The implementation details of this fee, including the specific amount and how it will be utilised, he said, are expected to be determined by NEC. The delegate conference is expected to take place in November this year.

Composition of NEC

NEC is composed of; party President and his four deputies, chairperson and four deputies, Secretary General and two deputies,

Treasurer and two deputies, Mobiliser and four deputies, Environment secretary with one deputy.

Other posts are; Health with one deputy, Publicity with one deputy, Religious Affairs with one deputy, Education and Sports also one deputy, the Youth League chairman with four deputies and Women League chairperson and four deputies and 20 members of Parliament.

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