Kenya: Police in Kisii to Summon Leaders Who Caused Chaos in South Mugirango Attacks.

Kisii — Police officers in Kisii are investigating incidents of attacks that happened in South Mugirango during the burial ceremony which was graced by Kisii Governor Simba Arati and South Mugirango MP Sylvenus Osoro.

The Kisii County commander Charles Kases said they have taken up the matter and launched investigation of the the attacks.

This comes after chaos erapted on Tuesday during the burial ceremony of Boikanga ward MCA Paul Ayiema's father where mp Osoro felt he was bypassed in protocol procedures.

Kases condemned the attack and asked the residents to remain calm as incident is under investigation and never take the law into their arms.

He said no injuries were reported during the attack.

"We have taken up the matter to investigate the originator of of this choas and summon them,"Said Kases.

Both Governor Arati and MP Osoro left the burial halfway after the ceremony was disrupted.

A section of Kisii residents condemned the act and said MP Osoro should respect the governor and stop causing choas whenever they share a podium.

Also South Mugirango residents condemned the act and said the governor is undermining their MP and called for unity between the two leaders.

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