Uganda: Mubaje Sacks Mukono Kadhi for Usurping the Powers of District Officials

The Mufti of Uganda, Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, has sacked Mukono District Kadhi Sheikh Shazir Lumala and his chairperson Sheikh Abbas Mujjumba for fighting over power.

Mubaje made the move to resolve the long misunderstanding between the two Muslim clerics in a meeting which was held at Collins Hotel in Mukono Municipality. The meeting was attended by the majority of councillors in Mukono Muslim District Council.

The councillors rose up against the Kadhi accusing him of being autocratic and usurping the powers of duly elected officials of Mukono Muslim District, which has led to the stagnation of Muslim activities in the district.

The councillors also accused the Kadhi of refusing to put in place proper management systems and the lack of accountability of finances accruing from animal slaughter(Halal) and improper disposal of lands.

He is also accused of failure to operate in the designated Mukono Muslim district headquarters in Kiyunga and instead opted to operate as the Imam at Atiq Mosque, where he frustrated the work of the Mosque committee.

During the meeting, the majority of councillors contested the election of Abbas Mujjumba as their Chairperson.

As a result, the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council(UMSC) Electoral Commission led by the acting Chairperson, Abubakar Were Wandangho chaired a session witnessed by Sheikh Abdallah Ibrahim Ssemambo Tamusuza, the deputy mufti who represented Mubaje.

The meeting resolved to eject Mujjumba and ordered fresh elections. This saw a hot contest between Haruna Semakula, the managing director of Hill Water Bottling company and one Sheikh Muslim Mbogo.

Eventually, Semakula emerged victorious.

The Mufti later in the evening chaired the last session where he presented the UMSC state of affairs report to the attentive audience comprising elders, opinion leaders, youth and women.

He later tabled the petition to his office against Sheikh Shazir Lumala, the Kadhi. He permitted the members to react with evidence on the petition and whether or not it was necessary to relieve the Kadhi of his duties.

After long discussions, the meeting resolved to suspend Kadhi because he was successfully pinned on all grounds raised against him.

Subsequently, Sheikh Abbas Ssenkuba, a holder of Masters Degree Holder in Sharia and Abdnoor Kasolo, a graduate of Islamic Studies were nominated for the position of the Kadhi.

The Council overwhelmingly voted for Sheikh Ssenkuba prompting the Mufti to appoint him as the acting district Kadhi while his competitor was appointed deputy.

In his statement Sheikh Lumala admitted that he had indeed realised his shortcomings, agreed with the decision and whole heartedly congratulated the newly appointed leaders of Mukono Muslim District.

The newly elected leaders took oath of office to serve in acting capacity for six months.

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