Kenya: 60 More Men Admitted to Dorcas Rigathi's Rehabilitation Program in Nyeri

Nairobi — 60 men from the Mathira Constituency were admitted to the Second Lady Pastor Dorcas Gachagua's rehabilitation program in Karatina Nyeri County on Thursday.

The spouse of the Deputy President received the men in Victor's Chapel in Karatina starting them off their journey of rehabilitation and recovery assuring them of her support even after they are out of the rehabilitation center.

"You are taking a bold and courageous step towards treatment and rehabilitation. God will take you to the end, I will pray for you and also come check on you. When you exit the centre, I will be there as well," she said.

"We will continue working with your families until you stop using drugs and stand strong in society as respectable men with families and jobs. Many have called you different demeaning names, but that shall change."

The 60 men, added onto 24 other men who had been taken to other rehabilitation centres in the county by the Office of the Spouse of the Deputy President (OSDP).

The office plans to rehabilitate 12,000 youth by the end of 2023.

"We are committed to sponsor 12,000 men out of drugs and substances by the end of this year. We are going to use every available facility in the country to transform our boy children, and redirect them to their destiny," she said.

Mathira MP Eric Wamumbi who was present during the event, on his part pledged to set aside sh.10 million towards the training of the new cohort.

"Together with your office, we will take the rehabilitated to TVETs so they can get skills, build their families, and become transformative fathers," he said.

Pastor Dorcas Gachagua has been on the forefront fighting for the boychild especially on saving the from drug abuse.

On Wednesday, she took her boychild campaign to Bungoma County urging religious leaders to take up the role of guiding and counselling the boys who are in drug and substance abuse.

Speaking when she met religious leaders from the Western region in Bungoma town, Pastor Dorcas further called on mothers to rise up to raising boys who will not feel left out of the society.

"As mother we must rise in bringing up our boy-children. Let them have emotions, let them cry if they must. Teach them how to speak the problems out, because right now we are losing too many," she said.

"We bring them up, we take them to universities. You sell everything to take them there expecting them to come and help you and the society but they are brought in a casket, because they are not able to handle the pressures of live. "

Pastor Dorcas said she will not just pray but will traverse the country speaking about the boychild agenda until the lost boychild is rescued.

She regretted that many parents have brought up their boys showing them a woman to be an object of dishonour.

"How can it be that you expect a boy to respect women while when we bring them up you tell them not to go near their mother, you tell them not to go to the kitchen, you tell them not to cry like their sisters. When they cry you tell them they are crying like women. I think we are asking too much from them," she indicated.


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