Tanzania: Residents Agree to Vacate Mangrove Reserve to Preserve Environment

Kibaha — RESIDENTS of Changwahela ' A' sub street in Mapinga Ward of Bagamoyo District have obeyed the government's order to vacate a mangrove area, which they had invaded and implement human activities that destroyed the environment.

The step has been reached following directives from Regional Commissioner (RC), Mr Abubakar Kunenge to the residents this week during his ongoing tour to issue government's decision regarding chronic land conflicts in the region.

While at the village, RC Kunenge said that there is serious environment destruction in the area which is the result of harmful environment acts done by the residents including improper cutting of mangroves which protect the ocean banks and preserve the beaches.

He told the residents that the directives he gave them was implementation of the decisions by the Cabinet based on suggestions given by a team of eight Ministers which was formed by President Samia Suluhu Hassan who teamed up with other technicians to work on land conflicts in the region and other parts of the country.

Following the decisions, Mr Kunenge has directed Land Commissioner to work with Bagamoyo District Council and contact investor who is owning Sea Salt Industry and an area of 600 acres so that he releases 50 acres from the area and provide it to the residents of Changwahela 'A' who have been ordered to leave.

The RC then directed officials of Tanzania Forest Services (TFS) in the region to supervise conservation of mangrove trees and restore beach environment, which has been badly damaged by the residents.

"I am directing TFS from now to supervise this area which has been destroyed by human activities including improper fishing that has damaged mangrove trees. In addition to that, there are also 90 houses which have been built inside this area and they are supposed to be removed", he said while emphasising that TFS should work hard and ensure that natural vegetation in the area is returning to former state.

Speaking on behalf of the residents, Chairman for Changwahela 'A' sub street, Kulwa Isdory said they have understood the instructions from the government and that they were ready to be relocated to another area according to the government's plans.

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