Uganda: I Am Getting Better - Museveni Gives Update On His Covid Situation

President Museveni has said with five days now spent in self- isolation at the Nakasero State Lodge after contracting Coronavirus disease, he is now getting better.

"Last night, I slept very well up to the 10th hour of the night (saa kumi za usiku -what

the Europeans call 4am). This time, the dull headache was not there, nor was the mild throbbing (enkuratima) on top of the head," Museveni said in an update about his Covid situation on Sunday night.

He said that initially, on Wednesday, there was also some mild muscle soreness typical of the usual flu.

"The soreness I was feeling on Wednesday was less than one would feel with the usual flu. That soreness of muscles has now gone. Also, some roughness on the throat, has gone."

Nevertheless, the president said tests were done on him to ascertain his status but the results still came out positive.

"We shall wait for a few more days and check again. I remain in self-isolation at Nakasero."

He urged members of the public to get fully vaccinated against Coronavirus disease and that the elderly should get booster jabs.

President Museveni on Wednesday announced he had tested positive for Coronavirus disease and a day later on Thursday, he went into self isolation at Nakasero State Lodge.

The president who has for the past three years been strict on observance of Covid guidelines including put on masks and Covid tests for his visitors to State House has of late seemed to have let his guard down.

Whereas Covid tests for all his visitors are still a must, the president has on several occasions been seen not wearing a face mask, especially while meeting visitors regarded as close to him.

Many have said this could have led to his Covid infection and Museveni could not agree more.

"However, recently, I had to give up masks because they have been causing me allergic reactions in the eyes and also in the throat. Do you remember when I lost my voice twice during the elections? That is part of the allergy."

The development comes at a time when the World Health Organisation(WHO) last month declared that Coronavirus is no longer a global health emergency.

WHO however noted that the declaration of an end to the global health emergency did not mean COVID was over globally.

In January 2020, WHO declared the Coronavirus outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern and six weeks later, it was declared a pandemic.

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