Kenya: Kisii County Assembly Passes Sh13.8Billion Budget, Warns CEC's of Effective Funds Utilization

Kisii — Members of Kisii County Assembly(MCAs) Thursday passed a Sh13.8 million budget for the 2023/2024 financial year during a special sitting chaired by the Assembly Speaker Philip Nyanumba.

In the Estimates tabled by Finance, Economic Planning and Information and Communication Technology ( ICT) County Executive Member, Kennedy Abincha, said the county government will get Sh9.2 billion equitable share from the national government.

Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation was allocated Sh4.2 billion, Finance, Sh1.3 billion and Education, Technical Training an innovation, Sh1.2 billion.

Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries was allocated Sh1.1 billion, Infrastructure, Roads and Public Works, Sh1 billion, Public Service and County Administration, Sh601 million, Water, Environment, Natural Resources, Energy and Climate Change, Sh547 million and Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Development, Sh379 million.

Trade Tourism Industry and marketing was allocated Sh308 million, Youths Sports, culture Arts and Social services, Sh228 million Kisii and Ogembo Municipalities Sh224 million while the County Assembly was allocated Sh1.4 billion.

The Executive was allocated Sh8.7 billion recurrent expenditure for personnel emoluments, operations and maintenance.

"We have allocated Sh4.9 billion for development expenditure under the Departments under executive and Sh1.2 billion for the county Assembly's recurrent expenditure while Sh224 million was set aside for development at the Assembly.

In the Estimates themed ' Economic recovery for inclusive Growth', the CEC said the County will get Sh1.1 billion conditional grants from development partners, Sh421 million, grants from the national government and generate Sh650 million from local sources.

The county will map revenue streams, know the potential and set targets, adding, new legislations will be enacted to aid boost revenue collection.

"We shall have modern revenue collection through use of technology, strengthen international revenue administration, control systems, collection, accounting and reporting" Abincha said.

Monyerero Ward MCA and Budget and appropriation Committee chairman, Peter Otachi said the financial Year has a Ward based budgets and each ward was allocated Ksh. 39 m for development.

"The county has a potential of raising Sh1.2 billio but the Committee put it target of Sh650 million which is realistic" Otachi said.

Majority leader, Henry Moracha urged the county Executive Committee members to ensure that funds allocated for various project are utilized in time.

He challenged CEC's to be aware of the funds allocated for projects in their Departments and be active to avoid the being impeached.

The MCAs urged the county government to settle pending bills to avoid interfering with the next budget.

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