Uganda: Kampala Traders Appreciate Ura's Engagement Efforts

Traders through the Kampala City Traders Association (KACITA) have appreciated Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) for choosing to engage them before enforcing tax laws or closing down their businesses.

This vote of appreciation was made by Issa Sekitto, the spokesperson of KACITA, during a joint press conference with URA to prepare its members for the financial year 2023/24 in relation to business progress and tax compliance.

Sekitto disclosed that several businesses that had been crippled by adverse tax policies have now been revamped due to various engagements between URA and KACITA.

"Some of you traders may not be aware of this, but many businesses that had been closed because of not fulfilling their tax obligations are now open. The URA of today has chosen to feed its 'cow'. That is, facilitating business rather than slaughtering it," he emphasized.

On the other hand, Musoke Thadeus Nagenda, the KACITA chairman noted that times have changed and require more dialogue than strikes. Nagenda said that through its strong partnership with URA, KACITA has recently entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the tax body to easily address traders' concerns and establish a special taxation desk at the KACITA secretariat to assist members who may not be able to approach URA directly.

Additionally, sectoral engagements have been launched, weekly sessions for traders to enhance their tax literacy are conducted and traders are assisted with filing their tax returns which has reduced tax discrepancies and delays. Musoke is committed to being a pillar of progress in the relationship between URA and traders.

"We are committed to providing ongoing education and awareness programs to help our members better understand and fulfill their tax obligations. We also encourage the business community to embrace timely return filing and compliance to avoid accrued interest and penalties," he said.

Ibrahim Kibuuka Bbossa, the assistant commissioner for public and corporate affairs at URA, appreciated KACITA for continuously engaging URA on traders' concerns, citing a renewed relationship.

"Through the advocacy of KACITA, we have established different service centres across the country to handle all tax-related matters for taxpayers with ease," he said.

Bbossa asked traders to utilize the self-assessment regime, where a taxpayer is in charge of their business.

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