Uganda: Visa Restrictions for Undermining the Democratic Process in Uganda


In response to human rights abuses and corruption in Uganda, the Department of State announces that it is taking steps to impose visa restrictions under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act on Ugandan individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Uganda.

As directed by President Biden, the U.S. government will continue to evaluate additional actions under this policy, as well as the use of other tools at our disposal, to promote accountability for Ugandan officials and other individuals responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Uganda, abusing human rights, including those of LGBTQI+ persons, or engaging in corrupt practices.

As previewed when the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 was enacted in Uganda at the end of May, the Department has also updated its travel guidance to U.S. citizens to highlight the risk that LGBTQI+ persons, or those perceived to be LGBTQI+, could be prosecuted and subjected to life imprisonment or the death penalty based on provisions in the law.

The United States strongly supports the Ugandan people and remains committed to advancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Uganda and globally.

Matthew Miller, Department Spokesperson

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