Kenya: Malala and Ruto's Top Advisors Monica Juma, Ndii, Chiggai to Attend Cabinet Meetings

Nairobi — President William Ruto has cleared his top advisors to sit in the Cabinet alongside United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Secretary General Cleophas Malala.

The advisors include Monica Juma (National Security), David Ndii (Economy) and Harriette Chiggai who advises the president on Women.

"In line with getting women issues at the centre of his administration, President Ruto cleared the Advisor on Women Rights Harriette Chiggai to attend the meeting," a statement from State House states.

This is a return to a trend started by the administration of former president Uhuru Kenyatta, who had Raphael Tuju, who was the secretary general of the Jubilee party, attend all Cabinet meetings.

The officials took oath Wednesday and attended their inaugural Cabinet meeting at State House, Nairobi.

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