Kenya: Nairobi County Govt Unveils Sh42.3 Billion Budget for the 2023/2024 Financial Year

Nairobi — Nairobi County government has unveiled Sh42.3 billion budget for the 2023/2024 Financial Year with 33 percent allocated to development.

According to Finance County Executive Charles Kerich, total revenue projection for this period include both National Government transfers and Own Source Revenues.

"Out of this the projected national transfers amount to Sh21.3Billion grants 1.2Billion while the total projected Own Source Revenues amount to Sh19.9Billion," he said.

"Mr. Speaker, the total projected expenditure amounts to Sh42.3Billion made up of both recurrent and development expenditures at Sh28.3Billion and Sh14Billion respectively."

He added that the allocation of 33 percent to development from the total budget is in line with Section 107 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012.

Sh400 million, was allocated towards decentralization of services to boroughs offices in Sub-County and Ward offices.

The borough offices will be the focal point for planning and will provide a 'One Stop Shop' where the residents can access all the services offered by the Nairobi City County.

"Mr. Speaker, to bring services closer to the residents, I have allocated Sh400 million, for construction of Borough offices, Sub-County and Ward offices. This will ultimately reduce the time taken for Nairobians to get the services and ultimately the cost of doing business," he said.

Additionally, the county has proposed an allocation of Sh1.95 billion for Ward development programme to help in reducing disparities in resource allocation and development across all wards.

Kerich added that the County treasury has embarked on payment of completed certificates paving way for a seamless implementation of ward projects in the coming Financial Year.

"Mr. Speaker, the projects to be implemented under this programme will be Ward Based depending on the priority of individual wards. The proposals from wards are development oriented, mostly in infrastructure development," he added.

Also, Sh400 million in the budget has been proposed to be allocated on the equipping and stoking of sufficient drugs and non-pharmaceuticals to the County Health Facilities.

The county also allocated Sh1.1 billion for construction, equipping and rehabilitation of Health Facilities. Ensuring affordable health services are accessible to all remains the county's key priority.

For the school feeding programme, Sh1.2 billion has been allocated in recurrent budget for Public Primary Schools and ECD centers feeding and Sh500 million allocated in development for construction of kitchens and serving sheds.

"This program will improve the nutritional status of the learners and encourage students to attend school leading to an increase in enrollment, performance, and transition to higher levels of education. The County has targeted to feed about 250,000 children," he said.

For the infrastructure development, Sh2.6 billion has been allocated to cater for the development areas which include enhancing pedestrian safety and connectivity through construction and rehabilitation of roads, street lighting, storm water drainage and bridges.

He however mentioned that Completion of ongoing road works will be targeted as a key priority, together with rehabilitation of already completed works.

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