Kenya Kwanza Leaders Fault Court for Suspending Implementation of Finance Bill

Muranga — A section of leaders allied to Kenya Kwanza administration have faulted the court for suspending implementation of recently assented finance bill 2023.

The leaders led by water cabinet secretary Alice Wahome claimed that the court failed to consider the views of the majority and reacted to a petition of a single litigant.

Speaking in a Murang'a church during thanksgiving occasion of one of officials in the office of interior CS, Charles Karundo, the leaders said halting implementation of the bill, will frustrate government's commitment in realizing programmes listed in 2023/2024 financial budget.

Wahome said the executive led by the President needs to be supported by other arms of the government so as to implement projects meant to make the lives of Kenyans better.

She noted suspending the bill, the government will do less since the main source of funds is taxes.

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro said implementation of the Sh. 3.69 trillion budget depends on the finance bill saying as much as they respect the independence of the judiciary, they have the right to appeal the court's ruling on the bill.

Ndindi added some of the programmes in the budget are aimed to uplift livelihoods of common mwananchi accusing opposition leaders for what he termed as ways of frustrating government's operations.

Other MPs including Joseph Munyoro (Kigumo), Gitonga Mukunji (Manyatta), Njuguna Kawambui (Gatundu North) and John Kaguchia (Mukurweini) vowed to use legal means to have the bill implemented saying Kenyans are expecting the government to stabilize prices of the common commodities lower cost of living. - Kna

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