Zimbabwe: 'Fraudulent' Masarirevhu Digs in, Orders CCC to Retract Forgery Claims

FREDDY Masarirevhu, Citizens Coalition for Change's (CCC) double candidate in St. Mary's Constituency, Chitungwiza has ordered the Nelson Chamisa-led party to retract statements that he forged signatures on papers filed at the Nomination Court.

Masarirevhu has, since close of nomination, been dodging a barrage of attacks on and offline following the appearance of his name on the final Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) list despite having 'lost' the race for CCC's seat in question.

The constituency is supposed to be represented by winner of the CCC's Candidate Selection Process Brighton Mazhindu at this year's August 23 general elections.

Masarirevhu, who had initially distanced himself from the nomination, indicating he had not filed anything, is now demanding an apology from CCC which has accused those implicated in the double candidate scandal of forging papers.

"My only wish was to be cleared. Retract your statement where you alleged I forged documents because I never did," said Masarirevhu.

"My reputation is everything, I told all the leaders who spoke to me, and I have evidence! Instead, I continue to be blasted! That's not how to handle disputes!"

The CCC has distanced itself from 41 candidates, going as far as labelling and identifying some as Zanu PF members. The motivation came from Zanu PF's argument that it had already won constituencies that had double candidates to add to about 74 uncontested council seats.

The 41 candidates had been given 24 hours to withdraw their candidature on June 26.

Said Masarirevhu earlier: "At law, there is this rule "audiatur et altera pars" which when translated means hear the other side. So many questions and accusations raised I am back and determined to deal with any issue. A space will be proper. I will be happy to participate."

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