South Africa: Denosa Supports the Cosatu National Day of Action On 6 July 2023

press release

Special Note: Happy 37th Anniversary to COSATU. Formed December 1985

05 July 2023

From non-implementation of collective bargaining agreements, non-filling of vacant posts due to budget cuts and corruption, to constant cutting of supplies of both water and electricity to homes and government service centres like clinics and hospitals, the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) is in full support of the COSATU National Day of Action tomorrow on Thursday 6 July as it will be bringing these problems to the attention of the different spheres of government.

It has been years since these public service glitches have characterised the government's poor service delivery.

The COSATU National Day of Action will be a show of force against the attack on collective bargaining, corruption, continued power and water crises, and budget cuts for public service amongst others. The federation will be marching and handing over memoranda to various government and private employers in various cities countrywide.

On the healthcare front where DENOSA is organising, the government has constantly failed to meet the expectations of its own commitments when it comes to payment of allowances and performance incentives, filling of vacant positions, procurement of equipment and supplies of medicals and food for healthcare facilities.

The absorption of nurses after their completion of studies and community service had become the annual struggle despite the numbers of nurses produced, whose production through studies are mainly funded by the government, getting reduced every year thus affecting the quality of nursing services at public healthcare facilities.

Corruption is also stealing billions of public funds that are meant for public services at all the three spheres of government.

Because the maintenance of service plants for both water and electricity have been neglected, there is constant short supply of water and electricity to communities and healthcare services, which leads to more crises like poor services and litigation against nurses.

As an affiliate of COSATU, DENOSA encourages its members who are able to take part in the National Day of Action to do so and represent the voice and the cries of nurses.


Issued by DENOSA.

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