Kenya: Lawyers in Kisii Teargassed While Protesting Removal of Lands Registrar

Teargas canister (file photo).

Kisii — Police in Kisii lobbed tear gas canisters to disperse advocates who were having a peaceful protest on the streets against the land registrar

The advocates moved to the street today morning to protest and picket on grounds that the land registrar Charles Ayienda who was recently transferred has made their work difficult while handling matters related to land cases.

Lead counsel George Morara said the Land registrar has severally not given in to their demands of issuing green cards, searches and also adhere to sermons when called to appear in court.

Several tear gas canisters were lobbed on them as they walked through the streets with banners.

"We are unhappy with how Ayienda handles advocates while seeking services from his office, he slaps coming to court when summoned," said Morara

They are especially against the orders demanding them to produce a court order for issuance of certified copies of documents including but not limited to registry index maps and mutations during land search.

They are also require to produce the original gazette notices, documents used for conducting the succession process and the presence of beneficiaries.

The demands are contained in a two page petition submitted to Ayienda on Friday last week.

Daphine Biyaki a lawyer, said they will be protesting against Ayienda till the government deploys him elsewhere.

"We are having the protests again and again till the government transfer the land regester from here,"Said Biyaki.

He accused the police of brutality for disrupting the protest.

We had given them adequate notice of this demonstration and it defeats logic that we are being tear gased by the police," said Biyaki.

Polycarp Maroko, branch secretary said they are unable to deal with emergencies because of the unavailability of certain documents from Ayienda.

Maroko vowed they will protest every week on Fridays till the officer is transferred.

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