Kenya: Man Up and Resign! Ledama Tells ODM Renegade MPs

Nairobi — Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina has asked the ODM renegade Members of Parliament who have shown dalliance to the Kenya Kwanza government to resign.

The Narok Senator who was irked by the Statehouse visit by the ODM legislators told them to return to the electorate and seek a fresh mandate through Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

"This constant statehouse visits by rogue ODM legislators who signed a covenant with the people through the party is so grotesque! I wish they would just man up and resign from their positions and seek the people's mandate through their newfound concubine!" Ole Kina tweeted.

This comes hours after MPs Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Tom Ojienda (Kisumu ), Caroli Omondi (Suba South ), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), and Mark Nyamita (Uriri),Paul Abuor (Rongo) and Phelix Odiwuor (Lang'ata) had a meeting with President William Ruto in StateHouse.

President Ruto termed the meeting as an effort by the Government to work with leaders from all parts of the country, regardless of their political affiliation. He said the Government will serve all Kenyans fairly and equitably.

"Kenyans deserve to be served without reservation by the Government," he said.

Langata MP Phelix Odiwour reiterated that their quest to work with the government will be fostered for sake of Kenyans.

"Our resolve to work with HE william Ruto was not a gimmick! We will support the president and we must support the president! When the president loose we all loose! Ruto is Kenya 1! God bless the president and may we work together for our country! Always pray for the president!"Odiwour tweeted.

The Raila Odinga-led party has moved in to expel and deregister the legislators who met President William Ruto in Statehouse this week.

In a letter addressed to the nine legislators, ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna mentioned the disciplinary process has commenced in line with the party's constitution.

"Internal mechanisms have been initiated with a view of processing it for action by the relevant Party organs in accordance with the Party Constitution and any other relevant law," Odinga said.

As per the party constitution, a member may be deemed to have resigned from a political party if that person promotes the ideology, interests or policies of another political party.

The members have been faulted for associating themselves with President William Ruto and therefore they are deemed to have resigned from ODM.

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