Kenya: Institution of Engineers of Kenya Condemns Assault on Kenya Power Employee By Kitui East MP Mbai

Nairobi — The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) has condemned Kitui East legislator Nimrod Mbai for allegedly assaulting a Kenya Power staff who had gone to his home to disconnect an illegal electricity connection.

The statement comes following the emergence of a viral video capturing the MP assaulting an engineer, a member of staff of Kenya Power who was leading a team in removing illegal power poles and installations within the vicinity of the MP's home in Kitengela.

IEK president Erick Ohaga described the incident as an "unwarranted intimidation and harassment".

Ohaga said that the assault on the engineer while performing his duties is an unacceptable affront not only to the engineering fraternity but also to the Institution of Engineers.

"We condemn in the strongest terms possible the actions of the Member of Parliament for Kitui East and demand that he faces the full force of the law for his unlawful conduct towards the Kenya power engineer," Ohaga said.

He pointed out that the construction of illegal and substandard power lines by unqualified individuals have caused what he termed serious electrical accidents damage to property and loss of lives henc need to be brought under control.

Ohaga added that IEK upholds the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya and adherence to the rule of law to resolve grievances and disputes arising in society.

"Such rights include 'freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishments. All individuals are bound by the supreme law of the land and no individual is an exception," he added.

He called on the government to take relevant action against the legislator.

They further called on the relevant authority in charge of licensing of firearms by civilians to move in swiftly and dispose the MP of his license to carry arms and permanently bar him from being a licensed arm holder.

The IEK President further called on the Inspector General of Police to ensure adequate security to their members as they execute their duty across the country.

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