Uganda: Isingiro Declared Best Performing District, Kalaki Ranked Worst

Additional reporting by Samuel Muhimba

Isingiro district has been ranked the best performing Local Government in the country.

According to the 2022 National Dissemination of Local Government Management report on service delivery performance assessment, Isingiro took the lead with a score of 89%, jumping from second position in the previous year where it scored 77%.

Isingiro was followed by Kiruhura with 80% which significantly jumping from the 41st position in the previous year, while Ibanda dropped from first position in the previous year to third in 2022.

Kamwengye and Mayuge districts came fourth and fifth respectively while Bushenyi which was 28th the previous year jumped to sixth position.

Meanwhile, the report shows that Kalaki district was the worst performing out of 153 assessed districts in 2022 after scoring 19%.

Kalaki was followed by Kapelebyong and Namisindwa districts as the worst performing districts with scores of 19% and 21% respectively.

Other worst performing districts include; Nyoroko, Amuria, Kwania, Kumi among others.

According to the director of budget at the Ministry of Finance, the districts that have performed well, their budgets have been increased significantly, with Isingiro getting a budget of Shs820 million this Financial Year.

The director added that those that dropped in terms of performance had their budgets reduced in order to inspire them to work harder this year so that they can have their budgets increased.

The report which reveals the top ten best and worst performing districts was launched by the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja.

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