Zimbabwe: MDC Cancels Manifesto Launch in Solidarity With Party Candidates Rejected By ZEC

Embattled opposition Movement for Democratic Change has cancelled its Manifesto launch which was scheduled for Saturday saying the party is still contesting the dismissal of 87 of its House of Assembly candidates.

In a statement, MDC spokesperson Witness Dube said there is an urgent case involving MDC before the courts.

Recently the party lost its bid to force the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to register 87 of its aspiring MPs who were rejected by the Nomination Court on June 21 after failing to pay candidate fees.

"The Movement for Democratic Change regrets to announce the deferment of our Manifesto launch, originally scheduled for Saturday the 8th of July 2023," Dube said.

"This has been necessitated by our solidarity with the ongoing urgent court case involving our 87 House of Assembly candidates. We cannot proceed with our manifesto and campaign launch without knowing the fate of the majority of our candidates who were unfairly disqualified by ZEC."

According to Dube, the party will be launching its election manifesto together with their candidates, once the court case has been concluded.

"The manifesto and campaign launch is an important platform for the presentation of our vision for the future together with the united front behind it."

MDC president Douglas Mwonzora is set to tussle for the first office with ten other candidates including Zanu PF First Secretary Emmerson Mnangagwa, CCC leader Nelson Chamisa and Independent candidate Saviour Kasukuwere.

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