Kenya: Nairobi to Host AU's High Level Private Sector Meeting

Nairobi — Nairobi will be hosting the African Union's (AU's) High Level Private Sector Forum meeting to boost trade on the continent.

The AU Commission, in collaboration with the East African Community Secretariat, will be organising the event at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) from July 10-12, 2023.

The three-day forum themed 'Public - Private Sector Engagement for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development while Deepening Regional and Continental Trade and Investment towards Implementation of AfCFTA' is expected to draw more than 500 participants from Africa and beyond.

Participants will be drawn from high level public policy makers, private sector actors, financial institutions and representatives of women and youth led/owned creative start-ups, academia and research institutions.

About 100 exhibitors from Africa and beyond are expected to exhibit their merchandise at the KICC.

The overall objective of the 14th High Level Forum is to strengthen the linkages between regional and continental markets for increased trade and investment.

Kenya's East African and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano will grace the event.

Others will include AU's Commissioner of Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals Albert Muchanga, East African Community (EAC) Secretary General Peter Mutuku Mathuku, among other dignitaries.

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