Uganda: Pilgrims Return From Mecca After 'Life Changing Spiritual Journey'

A group of 153 pilgrims who completed their Haj pilgrimage in the Holy City of Makkah have returned safely to Uganda.

The group booked their journey through the UMSC Haj and UMRA Office and traveled with Uganda Airlines, the national carrier.

Sheikh Ali Juma Shiwuyo, the Secretary for Haj and UMRA, guided the pilgrims throughout their pilgrimage.

The group returned on Sunday to Entebbe Airport where they were warmly received by Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa, the Second Deputy Mufti, and Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Secretary General.

According to the officials at UMSC,the returning pilgrims were healthy and in high spirits as they shared unforgettable experiences of their pilgrimage.

However, there have been media reports of some Ugandan Muslims who paid for the Haj pilgrimage through private Haj Service Companies but were unable to go.

In response, Sheikh Waiswa assured the public that UMSC, in partnership with other stakeholders, will form a committee to investigate the cause of the issue and explore possible compensation options.

This year, a total of 500 Muslims from across Uganda were transported by Uganda Airlines aboard the Airbus A330, with the first flight from Entebbe to Jeddah.

Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam where every Muslim if they are able, is supposed to go to Mecca.

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, alongside Shahadah (Oath to Allah & Muhammad PBUH), Salat (prayer), Zakat (almsgiving) and Sawm (Ramadhan fasting).

Hajj, the 5th pillar, is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca (Saudi Arabia) that every adult Muslim who is physically and financially able must make at least once in their lifetime.

It is one of the most significant religious journeys for Muslims worldwide, gathering millions of Muslims from all over the World in Mecca and Medina to perform holy rituals and seek spiritual fulfilment.

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