Kenya: Sakaja Opens Dandora Lands Registry to Solve Land Ownership Issues

Nairobi — Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has inaugurated the Dandora Lands Registry on Monday with an aim of improving management of land records and transactions.

Speaking during the opening ceremony, Sakaja said that the registry would help ensure that all legitimate landowners receive their titling deeds, which will boost county revenue.

He added that the registry will help the sub-county find a long-term solution to the issues of land ownership.

"We have improved the storage capacity and it will now be able to host more than 50,00 files and order restored making it easy to identify files and account for them," he said.

"These files will be upgraded and migrated to the Valuation Roll, which will thereafter be added to the ratable database for revenue collection."

Sakaja stated that the county administration intends to make use of technology in order to digitize all of the county's records.

To digitalize records, he continued, a system for the management of title papers, land rent cards, and development plans must be created.

"It will provide an updated and verifiable database eliminating some of the historical land issues such as loss of documentation, duplicity of titles, destruction of records, and missing records," he said.

"This is intended to provide a lasting solution to issues relating to ownership of land in Nairobi, and we have seen many issues arise."

Additionally, he said that the administration's attempts to lower the cost of doing business are made possible by the digitization of land records.

"We will continue with this exercise so that the landowners, some of whom have owned these plots for over 40 years, are able to safeguard and unlock the full economic potential of their investment," he added.

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