Kenya: Kalonzo Forgives Man Who Threatened Family During Campaigns

Nairobi — Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has extended an olive branch to the self-proclaimed Kitui youth movement leader Moses Munyalo alias Mose who had threatened his family during the electioneering period.

Munyalo had allegedly recorded an audio that went viral on social media whereby he threatened the Wiper leader more than two years ago.

He would later be arrested and charged by police and was charged with posting a message in a WhatsApp group on July 17, 2020, which was meant to threaten and demean the reputation of Musyoka.

However, on Tuesday Kalonzo in the company of his legal team, met with Munyalo at the SKM Command Centre during which the two reconciled.

Kalonzo said that he had resolved to forgive Munyalo as commanded by the Holy scriptures.

"Following deep reflection particularly on the words of Colossians 3:13 "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone," Kalonzo said.

The Wiper leader revealed that Munyalo had apologised to him and his family.

"I pray for Moses and seek God's continued guidance and counselling on his young life," he said.


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