Uganda: Driver Dies After Link Bus Crashes Into Stationary Trailer

A bus driver died on the spot when a bus belonging to Link Bus Services Company on Tuesday evening rammed into a stationary trailer.

The accident according to Vincent Twesige, the Rwenzori West regional Police spokesperson happened at Mukunyu in Kyenjojo District along the Kampala Fort Portal Road at around 7:45pm.

"The accident involved a Isuzu bus registration number UAY 485E being driven by Dauda Kawawu which rammed into a stationary broken-down trailer with registration number UAV 326W, a Mercedes Benz. The bus driver, Kawawu Dauda, lost his life at the scene of accident," Twesige said.

He said the other victims were rushed to Kyenjojo hospital for medical attention.

The accident comes a few days after a similar accident at Itojo saw a Toyota Land cruiser rammed into a stationary truck killing businessman, Apollo Nyegamehe, popularly known as Aponye instantly while the other vehicle occupants including the driver were rushed to hospital with serious injuries.

On Tuesday, the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among directed government to get strict on towing stationary vehicles on the road.

Among directed UNRA and Police to immediately tow away stationary vehicles off the highways since they pose a threat to other motorists.

She pointed out the case of cars that break down on the roads and stay there for more than six hours, hampering movements and causing accidents.

"If we implemented the Road Act, 2019 to the letter then we would not be having all these problems. I want to urge the minister to implement the law, especially Section 58, to tow those vehicles that break down on the road," she said.

She also tasked the government to explain why there are many parked cars along roads in Uganda yet section 59 of the Road Act 2019 empowers the government to tow away such vehicles within two hours on urban roads and six hours on rural roads.

The act also spells vehicle owners a jail term of four years or pay a fine of Shs1,920,000 or both

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