Kenya: Kuria Links Nairobi Expressway Vandalism to Portland Cement Eviction

Nairobi — Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Trade Moses Kuria has said that the Government will step up the removal of squatters who have encroached on East African Portland Cement land despite resistance.

Kuria's comment comes after protesters yesterday destroyed a section of the road that connects Mombasa Road with Waiyaki Way at Mlolongo Toll Station.

"The violence in Mlolongo yesterday was because we evicted squatters from East Africa Portland land led by Mavoko MP Patrick Makau," tweeted Kuria.

"Today we will evict all illegal squatters. You can burn all you want but sibanduki," he added.

Last year, the CS laid bare his plans to evict what he called squatters from the company land.

Earlier, Ukambani leaders slammed the CS over his eviction remarks that saw structures erected on the land illegally flattened.

So intense was the unrest in Mlolongo, with police reporting three deaths in Mlolongo.

The unrest witnessed in Mlolongo yesterday has led to the arrest of Mavoko lawmaker Patrick Makau.

He is currently being held at Kiambu police station over his involvement in the demonstrations yesterday that saw a section of the expressway damaged.

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