Kenya: President Ruto Says Kenya Will Not Be Held At Ransom By Demonstrations

President William Ruto.

Tharaka Nithi — President William Ruto has said Opposition will not be allowed to hold the country to ransom.

He expressed concern that the aim of the Opposition was to sabotage the country's economy.

He argued that the ongoing violent demonstrations that have led to loss of lives and destruction of property had nothing do with the high cost of living.

"How can loss of lives and destruction of property reduce the cost of living?" Asked the President.

"We will not allow the Opposition to hold our country at ransom as they engage in anarchy to pursue their selfish interests," he added.

Ruto noted that Opposition leader Raila Odinga has frustrated the previous governments in pursuit of personal interests.

The Head of State said he will not entertain anything to do with a handshake.

The President made it clear that the Government will deal with economic saboteurs decisively.

He made the remarks on Thursday at Mutindwa grounds in Chogoria, Tharaka Nithi County after opening the Chogoria Water supply project.

Earlier, the President had issued title deeds to more than 10,000 in Ciampiu, Mwingi North, Kitui County.

He said it was unfortunate that the opposition had resorted to financing unemployed youth to cause anarchy in the pretence of picketing.

He said many Kenyans were pained by loss of lives and destruction of property.

"We are not going to change Kenya by planning violence and protests. We will change Kenya by having a plan." he said.

The President said the Government is keen on implementing policies that will free Kenyans from poverty.

He said robust policies have been put to enhance food production.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Cabinet Secretaries Zacharia Njeru (Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development), Peninah Malonza (Tourism, Wildlife, and Heritage), Alice Wahome (Water), Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki and Kitui Governor Julius Malombe were present.

Others were MPs Nimrod Mbai (Kitui East), Rachel Nyamai (Kitui South), Victor Musyoka (Mwala), John Kagucha (Mukurweini), Paul Nzengu (Mwingi North), Mohammed Ali, (Nyali), Patrick Munene (Chuka-Igambang'ombe), Mpuru Aburi (Tigania East), Mugambi Rindikiri (Buuri ), Kareke Mbiuki (Maara), Susan Ngugi (Women Rep,Tharaka Nithi) and Mwenda Gataya ( Senator, Tharaka Nithi) among others.

Gachagua told Mr Odinga stop sabotaging the economy for his selfish gains.

"It's unbelievable that one individual who is known for violence for many years has interfered with government programs for long to achieve his own selfish interests," said Mr Gachagua.

He said all those responsible for yesterday's violence will be brought to book and prosecuted.

Governor Muthomi told Mr Odinga to stop misusing young people to engage in violence.

The MPs said it was time the Government took action against Opposition leaders causing mayhem.

"Your Excellency, I think you are being lenient to these people sabotaging our economy. It's time you act as the President of Kenya, " said Mbiuki.

MPs Munene, Aburi and Gataya said Kenya was guided by the Constitution, wondering why it was taking long for Government to arrest perpetrators of violence in the country.

Ms Nyamai asked Mr Raila to stop the violent protests and give President Ruto a chance to serve the people.

Mr Musyoka said Mr Odinga must be held accountable for the loss of lives in the protests.

"How do we live in a country where leaders terrorise the people, "

Mr Ali said Mr Ondinga's use of violence to ascend to power is futile.

"You cannot pursue leadership by killing the people," he said. - Presidential Communication Service

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