Somalia: Villa Somalia Expresses Hope for Resolving Dispute With Puntland

Mogadishu — The chief of staff of Villa Somalia Hussein Sheikh expressed hope that an agreement will be reached on the dispute between the Federal government and Puntland.

Speaking to the media in Mogadishu, he said that they are going to have low-level talks where both sides are looking for a solution to the political conflict, which is based on issues related to power and resource sharing as well as future election models.

The Chief of staff has added that Puntland is like other Federal member states in the country, and the government of Somalia does not want the nation to be divided.

In January this year, Puntland announced it will act as an independent government and govern its own affairs until the constitution of Somalia is completed and a referendum is held.

The leader of the regional state Said Abdullahi Deni accused the leaders of the federal government of Somalia of failing to bring justice and equality and pushing for a central authority instead of honoring the federalism agreement.

In addition, President Deni said President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was trying to impose a centralized administration which will risk the state-building process in Somalia.

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