South Africa: Mashatile Reiterates Support for NDP Goals

The National Planning Commission (NPC) has urged Deputy President Paul Mashatile to help facilitate long-term planning across government departments if the country is to meet its developmental goals and improve service delivery.

"This was one of three issues tabled for discussion. The other two were social cohesion and the District Development Model (DDM)," the NPC said on Thursday.

The NPC was engaging Deputy President Paul Mashatile at the Union Buildings, Pretoria, on the National Development Plan (NDP) and State Capacity.

The gathering also charted a way forward in implementing the NDP 2030 Vision.

The NPC is a diverse and independent planning body, comprising experts in various fields, appointed by the President to advise on the country's long-term development as contained in the NDP Vision 2030.

Its role is to monitor, review and assess progress in achieving the NDP.

The meeting, organised by the state capacity and active citizenry workstream focused on the functioning of the state, building the leadership required by a capable and developmental state at all levels.

It also zoomed into the role of an active citizenry, institutional planning, social cohesion and nation-building.

The Deputy President was also brought up to speed on the institutionalisation of planning through the draft National Development Planning Framework (NDPF) Bill, social cohesion and nation-building, and DDM.


The draft NDPF Bill aims to embed and institutionalise a coherent planning system across government and inclusive of the broader citizenry."

The commission believes that only such an integrated approach to planning can lead to better service delivery and the advancement of the development goals of NDP.

"The draft Bill centralises the NDP in the long-term planning processes of both the state and government."

It also envisages the NPC, as well as the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) as key, permanent and formal planning instruments.

"The NPC appealed to the Deputy President, in his capacity as the Leader of Government Business, to put the weight of his office in support of the speedy passage of the NDPF Bill through Parliament."

Social cohesion

On social cohesion and nation-building, the NDP envisions that by 2030 South Africa will have made significant progress towards achieving social cohesion.

"Amongst others, social cohesion should be demonstrated through reduced inequalities, greater integration of living spaces between citizen groups, enhanced inter-group interactions and greater employment.

"The NPC is of the view that the country has not made sufficient progress towards the attainment of these noble goals."

The NPC proposed that social cohesion be elevated to the highest priorities of government and included among the Presidency's functions.


NPC has described the DDM as a relatively new operational model to improve coordination and collaboration among different spheres of government and stakeholders at a district level to accelerate development and service delivery.

"The NPC appealed to the Deputy President, who is allocated the DDM as part of his portfolio, to accelerate the suggested initiatives to strengthen intergovernmental relations, build capacity through merit-based appointments, and separate the political-administrative interface at all levels of government."

Meanwhile, NPD Deputy Chairperson, Professor Tinyiko Maluleke, was adamant that there is still hope despite persistent levels of inequality and apartheid spatial arrangements that are still visible.

"That hope resides in implementing the NDP," he stressed.

Meanwhile, Deputy President Mashatile expressed his full support for the NPC's work and its efforts to re-centre the NDP as the vision for the country.

"I believe in long-term planning. You have a friend in long-term planning now," said the Deputy President, adding that he was committed to assisting with the issues raised by the NPC and assured the NPC of ongoing engagement.

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